We became Sai devotees because of our past good deeds and Sai will make sure that his devotees will easily achieve the supreme state of existence. The listeners who have full devotion and they will be freed from attachment. For those who are full of faith, they will receive happiness and peace; and for all, in general, contentment. Sai never wanted extravagant preparations in worshiping him and he always taught simplicity.
Once, Das Ganu was going to do a ‘Katha’ at Shirdi. So he set off properly dressed with a long coat, uparna, and pheta on head. According to custom, he happily went to Baba to bow at his feet. On seeing him, Baba said: “Oh, now you have adorned yourself like a bridegroom! Where are you going so dressed up? ” Das Ganu replied: “I am going to perform kirtan”. Baba said to him, further: “Why have you taken so much trouble over dressing up? Why do you have long coat, uparna and pheta? We do not need all these things. Take them off in front of me. Why burden your body with them? ” As per his orders, he took them off and laid them at his feet. Since then, Das Ganu stopped wearing upper garment and makes no show. He carries ‘chiplis’ in his hands and a ‘mala round his neck at the time of kirtan. Though this is not generally accepted, it is of a pure origin.
Baba gave reassurance and said these words. "If you spread your palms with devotion before me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though, I am here physically, still I know what you do beyond the seven seas. Go where ever you wish, over the wide world, I am with you. My abode is in your heart as well as in hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate indeed is he, who knows me thus". Such is the presence of Sai and all of us should have no second thoughts about this truth.
As Sai devotees, we have to learn to be simple in our worship and in our daily activities. We need to be humble and considerate. We need to understand the real meaning behind Cholkar's story. Here quitting sugar means we have to stop running after luxuries in life and not avoid difficulties in life. The hardships will teach us patience. Baba is always with us no matter where we are and he is always taking care of us.
In general it is a good idea to spend time in Godly activities but we have to be careful not to get carried away and lose sight of devotion. Our goal is to know God with in us and all the outward rituals will obstruct our path in increasing the rigidity. Then it will be difficult to get rid of the ego.
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