Once Das Ganu Maharaj was doing kirtan in Pune where Cholkar happened to be there. While listening to Sai stories from Das Ganu Maharaj he had goosebumps and developed some special attachment to Sai. He humbly prayed to Sai by saying " Baba, I am poor and have to look after a family. My life depends on my job. I have to pass an examination to become permanent. I have prepared with a lot of effort. I solely depend on passing the examination. Otherwise. I will lose this job which I hold on probation and I will be deprived of the little that I earn. If I pass by your grace, I will present myself at your feet and distribute sugar candy in your name. This is my firm resolution ”.
He postponed his resolution because of his poverty, but he decided to save some money by cutting his expenses. He stopped eating any thing made of sweet and having his tea without sugar. He started saving some money and once he got his promotion he went to Shirdi. He prostrated in front of Baba and with a pure heart he distributed sugar, offered coconut and said: “To-day all my wishes have borne fruit ”. He was staying with Bapu Saheb Jog and while they were leaving Baba told Jog to make sure Cholkar gets tea with lots of sugar. Jog could not understand what Baba was saying but Cholkar was moved. He understood the greatness of Baba.
Baba gave reassurance and said these words. "If you spread your palms with devotion before me, I am immediately with you, day and night. Though, I am here physically, still I know what you do beyond the seven seas. Go where ever you wish, over the wide world, I am with you. My abode is in your heart as well as in hearts of all beings. Blessed and fortunate indeed is he, who knows me thus". Such is the presence of Sai and all of us should have no second thoughts about this truth.
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