Our mind is nothing but flow of thoughts in the back ground of impressions. These impressions will influence our life. Our thoughts will dictate our wellbeing. Positive thoughts will create positive environment and negative thoughts will lead us into chaos. We think about so many things before we go to bed and we want to implement them next day at any cost. When we get up in the morning, we get lost in the jungle of life. Everybody else control our life. You feel like you do not have a choice and you are dragged in different directions. Work, kids, family will cause exhaustion by the end of the day. We go to bed tired and emotional. Same thoughts, frustration and anger overwhelm you, because you could not control your life.
Baba said “If you get a good thought in the night, ponder over it, when you get up in the morning put that thought in to works. This is the first step in the direction of the truth that is Jnana (knowledge). This is what gives us mental peace”. Baba always encouraged his devotees to implement good thoughts immediately. He never liked laziness and thought of postponing for later period. Lot of times our lazy attitude is the reason why, we can not do what we want to do. So we are obstructing our own life. So we have to put good thoughts in to practice quickly, and leave the result to God’s grace. God always protects us and takes us forward with positive thoughts and good intentions. Baba always provided his blessings and will continue to give us enough patience to carry out those fruitful good thoughts.
Our mind creates our own reality. The Maya (ignorance) covering our thinking makes our reality blurred. Our thinking distorts because of this Maya.
Our thinking dictates our words.
Words will determine our language.
Language in turn makes us behave certain way.
Our behaviors will become our habits.
The habits will create our values.
Values will lead us to our destiny.
So making our thoughts positive will change every thing we experience in our lives. Our mind, thoughts, emotions, expectations and behaviors actually create our reality.
If we have negative thoughts, we will invite more of a negative energy. If we think positive we will imbibe positive energy.
Medical studies point out that a positive thought will increase our immunity by 5 hours and similarly a negative thought will reduce our immunity by 5 hours. We will have to make a choice here! Please let us not destroy our lives by negative thoughts. Let’s be positive.
How to generate positive energy:
1. Try to associate with people who are positive:
This could be challenging at times. But this is very essential. We might have some control if we can put some effort in to it. This could be done. When you have to deal with negative thinking, we can minimize our exposure to that circumstance. But our mind likes the negativity. Baba put it in simple words. “If you can not endure abuse from another, just say a word or two, or else leave”. This is great statement and he was thinking about the difficult circumstances that we face every day. He knows that we can not be perfect.
All the scriptures emphasized the importance of company of great and saintly people. This is called POSITIVE ASSOCIATION (Satsangh). If we associate with people who do not have this kind of inclination and no appreciation for God, it is called NEGATIVE ASSOCIATION (Kusangh). We will take negative energy from the negative situations and this drains us both physically and psychologically. Some days you do not know why you feel tired and the reason is obvious.
If we have company of likeminded people, we will feel positive and we can feed off from each other. This will help us love God more and feel bliss and peace in everyday life.
2. Cultivate positive language:
Baba taught us some nice things about positive thinking. He stated “There is a wall of separation between one self and others, between you and me. Destroy this wall”.
Usually we love everything that is ours. What ever is not ours we tend to look at it in a different way? We tend to criticize and jump to conclusions very quickly. We can not control the urge to react. This is where we need to be careful. That’s why Baba says, destroy that wall of separation. If we can just understand this concept our lives will improve for the best. Then we can avoid this negative thinking. We might not like every one that we interact with. But we can keep our words to a minimum so that we can not say negative words. By saying negative words we loose our own positive energy.
3. Focus on what you have rather than what you do not have:
There are so many things that we can find that are positive in our lives. Good health, good family, enough to eat and survive etc. Some of us may not be that fortunate. It does not matter, just focus on what we have. Some times having every thing is not enough and there is more to acquire. Mind always wants more, better, and what ever it does not have. Here we should be careful and think about the other side of the spectrum. It is not always about what we have or not have but also what others have. We tend to criticize the other people, their personality, or their possessions. They could be near perfect but our mind wants to find that one thing they do not have. By doing so, we lose positive energy. Instead learn to compliment. Give them positive blessing.
4. Everything that happens in our lives is an opportunity to grow and learn:
We want certain things to happen certain way only. When we perform certain tasks we expect certain result. We some times don’t care whether we deserve this nor did we put in enough effort in to it. In the process we get disappointed and show some emotions. These emotions will trick us to do some irrational things. We justify these emotions and our suffering increases many fold. We can stop for a moment and think that it’s not always the fault of others that you did not achieve what you expected. If we believe in destiny, the others could be instrumental in causing this suffering but in reality this might not be good for you. God has some thing else for you which might prove efficient for your future. This is where we need to learn patience. That’s why Baba always emphasized the Faith and Patience.
5. Create positive environment around your house:
You might not be able to control all the places you roam around but you have some control in your house. So we need to try to make our house a source of positive energy.
We need to have some rules where we do not criticize others. Family members can remind each other to be positive.
We can have some spiritual music playing in the background while our chores are being done. This will have a positive impact on kids, and other members of family before they start their day. It can carry forward to your work also.
Hang inspirational and positive pictures in your house. Dinner table is also a good place where we hang around most of the time as a family. What we watch on television makes an impact on our lives. Try to balance the entertainment part of it and mix in with some nature and spiritual programs. This will create some soothing atmosphere in the house. As parents we never think about these things or we don’t take it seriously. The movies, shows will have lot of impact on the kids. We can mix and match to some extent.
6. Reading spiritual and inspirational books:
Our culture is a treasure and we need to take advantage of this. So many great people wrote so many books explaining their experiences. Of course our scriptures are the manuals for our lives. Do we want to survive with out proper guidance? What else we can expect in our lives other than suffering if we ignore our scriptures. As parents we do not have time to read or listen to these great things. How can we expect our kids to be normal and responsible human beings? We can not ignore these simple facts. Let us make an effort to change our lives once for all.
7. Be Spiritual:
Understanding life and being peaceful is so important in life. Peace is always with in and no body else can give you peace. We have to realize that we have to generate positive energy from with in. Meditation is of great help. Meditation will activate your frontal lobe of brain. This in turn will give you the power of teasing things out. Frontal lobe has the power to discriminate right from wrong. In the scriptures it was mentioned that focusing in between your eye brows will activate your frontal lobe. When we can tease things better we stay positive.
Meditation is not just about sitting quietly for few minutes everyday. We have to show that same calmness through out the day in every interaction we go through. We don’t have to have so much emotion in to every act we perform. We have to learn to relax. This will inculcate a natural meditative state in your daily life.
We have to remember that life is multi faceted and complicated. So we have to tackle this with a multi prong approach. We need to apply every thing that can work.
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