In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Shyama - 1

Introduction and Birth details:
Madhavrao deserves special place among the devotees of Sri Sai Baba. Baba himself reiterated this several times. Once Baba told him that their relationship is for 72 lives. Baba used to send Shyama as his representative whenever people requested him to attend any major household functions. Such is the importance of Madhavrao Deshpande. He had utmost faith in Baba. His faith was undisturbed even in the mist of adversity. When he was bitten by a snake and about to die even then his faith towards Baba was indescribable. He is the perfect example and lived the life of Shradda and Sabhuri. We are really blessed to learn about such a person and Baba’s blessings will be always with us.

Madhavrao Deshpande might have born around 1860. Sai named him as Shyama. He was born in Nimon village of Ahamadnagar district. He grew up there until age2. His father got married three times without any children. Then he gets married to sister of one by name Laxman Kulkarni in Shirdi village. Then he had 3 boys. Shyama was the oldest. His 2 brothers were Kashinath and Bapaji Balwant, By age 3, Shyama’s father moved his family to Shirdi. 

Shyama had his elementary education in Marathi school. He finished 6th grade. He joins as a teacher in the same school later. He reportedly did not learn either Sanskrit or English. Being a village teacher he was well respected. In those days teachers were respected really well. This school was next to Dwarakamai. At that time the masjid was dilapidated. One of the Circle Inspector donated the rooms for the school. Later years Radhakrishna Aai used to live there. After that this became the place for Baba’s Horse Shyamasundar.

Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swami ji interviewed Shyama in 1938 and gave us some details. Shyama was probably approaching 80 years of age at that time. Through Sai leela magazine, khaparde dairy and other sources gave us lot of details about Madhavrao Deshpande.  Shyama did not realize the greatness of Baba for several years. Shyama while working as a school teacher, sometimes used to sleep in the school. Through the window of the school he used to observe Baba’s routine. Baba sometimes used to sit in Marurhi Temple near the masjid. He used to go for Bikshaw (Alms). Some times Shyama heard different languages from the Dwarakamai such as Hindi, Urdu, Persian, English and Marathi. Baba was observed to be alone during those times. At times he used to dance with bells in his legs and sing songs in a rhythmic way. He showed all kinds of talents. He used to use 2 earthen pots to water the plants. This was his routine as described by Shyama.

Shyama’s family details:
Madhavrao got married twice. His first wife was Savitribai. He had one son, Eknathpant, from her. Madhavrao’s second wife was Dwarkabai. They had two sons - Jagannathpant and Uddhavrao  and a daughter – Babitai. Uddavrao was the only one who frequently accompanied his father to visit Baba. Baba also loved Uddavrao very much and used to give sweets and other food items. He did not want to go to school even at the age of 6. Shyama was worried that he was not showing interest in studies. One day he ran after him to discipline and Uddavrao ran to Baba. Baba told Shyama that he will take care of him and not to worry. As promised, Uddavrao later worked as a Priest for Shirdi Sansthan for number of years. There was no mention of other kids in relation to Sai. Madhavrao was tall, well-built and very healthy. His complexion was wheatish. Up to the age of 72, he did not suffer from any ailments. He did not suffer even from simple maladies like fever or head-ache.

Shyama’s Work details:
 After completing his education, he taught in the village Marathi school, as an Assistant Teacher, for a few years. Nana Ratna Parkhe was his Headmaster and superior. One Laxman Master was another teacher above him. When Madhavrao started working in the school, his age was about 14-15. Madhavrao worked as a teacher for five or six years. He gave up that place, when he was transferred from Shirdi. 

After resigning the teacher job, till the end of his life, he worked as a village doctor. He used to give medicines after taking Baba’s name. Madhavrao was an expert at diagnosing various diseases and knowing properties of various medicines. He was also very good at diagnosing the ailment by merely feeling the pulse. He had gained the knowledge on his own and did not learn it from anyone. He carried a stock of Indian and foreign medicines. He could earn some money by practicing medicines. He used to mix Baba’s Udi in the medicines. Besides, he also used to refer to books on Ayurveda from time to time. He used medicines manufactured in the factories. He also prepared some of the medicines himself. 

Madhavrao had some income from a piece of land at village Nimon as well as from his medical practice. He did not use any of the medicines for himself. He always relied on Baba for every ailment. After a while, he started taking care of visitors who came to see Baba. He helped them in arranging lodging and communicated their needs to Baba. In this way he worked relentlessly all his life in serving Baba. Everyone gave similar kind of respect as they used to give Baba.


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