In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Bhagavadgita 4.0 Jnana yoga - Righteousness

As we grow up our level of understanding changes. When we are supposed to learn something in the school we use different techniques. Mostly kids try to memorize and it is difficult for them to comprehend certain concepts at their level. As they go to higher grades, they try to grasp the core concepts of the subject. They also raise so many questions like why things are this way.  How can I explain this? These questions make them think and analyze the situations. This level of analysis and understanding the core concepts will help us to grow. Sometimes we follow other people without proper understanding. We accumulate wealth, run for objects, try to get fame and finally we leave this body like so many other people. The next generation might think about them for a while and later every one forgets them. So we need to take a look at this process of running after fame, wealth and other valuable things in our life. This might be a good thing if you can utilize and enjoy while you are alive. But is it worth to accumulate enormous wealth for next generation at the cost of your life.
Parents work hard and try to give better life to children. This might be thought as the duty of the parents and they do this out of love. But sometimes they can get carried away.  They want the best in everything without understanding the capability of their children.  Everyone has their own interests and destiny. We have to understand why we do actions in the realm of karma theory.  We have to learn to contribute to society and do things for higher cause. This fourth chapter will provide the tools to think properly in our everyday life.  
The fourth chapter begins when Bhagavan talks about how he taught this truth of Bhagavadgita  to the Sun in the beginning . Then Sun passed it on to Vaivaswata Manu . Manu then gave it to Ikshwaka. He also clarifies about his past Avataras and how he can remember these but not Arjuna. Then he goes on to say how the great souls take birth and descend to earth. What is their reason to take a birth as a human in this world?
Yadha yadha hi dharmasya glaanirbhavati Bhaarata!
Abhyuddaanamadharmasya tadaatmaanam srujaamyaham !!
O Bharata! Whenever there is decay of righteousness and raise of unrighteousness, I manifest myself.  
Bhagavan explains why the Avatar will be taken and why the great souls descend to the earth in the next verse.
Paritraanaaya saadhunaam vinaasaya cha dushkrutaam !
Dharma Samsthaapanaardhyaaya sambhvaami yuge yuge !!
For the protection of good, for the destruction of wicked and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age.
As humans it is important to live with good character and righteousness. If we do not follow this we have to face the consequences in a bad way. If a child makes a mistake the parents somehow try to teach the correct way to that child. In a similar way God also wants to establish the righteousness and teach the society to walk in a path that is not detrimental to one’s own wellbeing.   God says he will come in the form of saints and great souls to live among the people so that they can provide the proper direction.  Here in the above verse it says for the destruction of wicked; but it is not really the destruction of people but their wicked qualities.

God can do everything without taking any form also but it is not done that way. This has to be practical and needs to be at human level. Whenever we teach something to people, it is better to teach with an example and by living that experience. Otherwise it is difficult to comprehend. That’s why a form is necessary to be close to the human level. Even righteous people have negative tendencies at times. This keeps them away from God. Here God makes sure that these negative tendencies are mitigated so that they can open up their hearts. People can live with wisdom with which they will get to know God and themselves.  Righteousness is essential to attain the ultimate freedom. The universe operates with an order and if the order is missed everything dissipates. The Sun is essential to the life on the earth. The earth keeps rotating in a particular orbit. The entire universe follows the higher cause. As humans we also need to keep this in mind when we perform our actions.


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