Bhagavan talks about undertaking actions in the spirit of divine dedication which is called as Yagna. If we perform our actions with this spirit we will not be bound by their results. A man of wisdom who is devoid of attachment, who is liberated, whose mind is established in knowledge and who acts for the sake of sacrifice, all his actions are dissolved. The Yagna is not just doing a ritual in the fire but the action which includes divine dedication. This has to be inline with scriptures and should be devoid of attachment to the fruits of action. If the actions are unselfish and done as per one's own duty then every action is considered as Yagna. Bhagavan describes in the next verse the same issue.
Brahmaarpanam brahma havih
Brahmaagnau brahmanaahutam !
Brahmaiva tena gantavyam
brahma karma samaadhinaa !!
Brahman is Oblation; the oblation poured into the fire is Brahman; Brahman verily shall be reached by him who always sees Brahman in all actions.
Our scriptures say God is everywhere. The universal energy is in every particle of the universe. There will be no place where this energy is not there. whatever we offer to God belongs to the creator himself. We just need to be aware of this truth and perform our actions with a mind filled with surrender. Then each action will be Yagna. We might assume this might be difficult but if we put our mind into it we can achieve this task. when we can think about God prior to each action then we develop some kind of wisdom which will in turn give us discriminatory power. Then there will be no bad karmas.
Lot of people recite the above verse prior to eating any food. The essence is that we are offering everything to God and the fruits of action is also surrendered to God. The food that we eat is Brahman. The person who eats is Brahman. The Jataraagni (the power that digests the food) is Brahman. This is how people of wisdom conduct themselves and live their life.
Our mind is distracted most of the time and we can not focus on the target properly. some offer hearing and other senses as sacrifice in the fire of restraint; others offer sound and other objects of senses as sacrifice in the fire of senses. People of wisdom live in the life constantly offering their senses into the fire of self-control, so that the senses, of their own accord burnt up, contributing greater freedom and joy. All this constitutes and can be called as real Yagna. It is wise to follow this path of sense control and the path of mind control. Our life itself is Yagna. When this course is followed there evolves the path of wisdom. This will lead us to the goal of life which is reaching God and understanding that we are one with God.
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