In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Bhagavadgita - 4.5 Jnaana Yoga- Jnaana Yagna is supreme

All the different actions (karmas) that are inline with the essence of scriptures can be defined as Yagna. There are different kinds of yagnas and they can yield different kinds of results. But all of them lead to the same goal that is towards the Brahman. Bhagavan emphasizes in the next verse that Jnaana Yagna (Knowledge sacrifice) is the best of all.

Sreyaan dravyamayaadyajnaat jnaana yagnah parantapa !
Sarvam karmaakhilam paartha jnaane  parisamaapyate !!

Superior is "Knowledge -sacrifice" to "Sacrifice with objects" O paramtapa. All actions in their entirety culminate in Knowledge.

All the material oblations such as butter, milk, curd that we use in the fire and all the community oriented good actions are called as "Dravyamayaat" (materialistic yagnas). Of all these sacrifices Knowledge about Brahman is the best. This is the essence of this verse.   

What is Jnaana Yagna?

Any knowledge that takes us closer to Brahman is called as the Jnaana Yagna. controlling the mind and senses, the practice of yoga, studying the scriptures and self analysis are the examples of Jnaana Yagna. Even the object related yagnas when performed with out expectation and with out extreme passion towards the results of those actions can be treated as superior yagnas. These actions will provide us the eligibility to get the superior knowledge. 

How do we get this superior knowledge?

Next verse describes the means to this knowledge. 

Tadviddhi pranipaatena pariprasnena sevaya ! 
Upadekstanti te jnaanam jnaaninaam tatvadarsinah !!

Know that by long prostration, by question, and service, the wise, who have realized the truth will instruct you in that knowledge.

We really have to follow the path shown by the great people of knowledge. By just praying to them outwardly for material gains is not going to help us. But we have to go deeper in the path and follow their instructions. To experience the divinity we need to possess extreme patience and utmost faith.  These are essential tools to gain that knowledge. In reality what great gurus do is take away our ignorance then the truth automatically reflects from within us.   If we gain this knowledge we will never get immersed in ignorance.  Then you can see God in everyone and can experience God within. We can cross the sea of sins with the help of a ship of knowledge. This is the assurance Bhagavan in the Gita.  The fire of knowledge will burn all the actions.  

Shirdi Sai beautifully explained about this verse to Nana Chandorkar. The great gurus take away the ignorance rather than providing knowledge. Our original nature is Knowledge that is why it is important to take away the ignorance. Our whole quest is to just getting rid of ignorance. 

In Sai Ashtottara Naamavali we recite "Hrudayagrandhi bedakayaa namah". Mundaka upanishat also says " Bidyate hrudayagrandhih chidyante sarva samsayah" whihc means once we realize God the gland of heart opens up. Then ignorance bound ego will be destroyed so that all the questions are cleared from the mind. 

Our first priority is to ask God nothing but Guru. Once we have Guru in our life then our path becomes clearer. All we need to do is to attain the eligibility for this opportunity. All our actions need to be performed with utmost faith and true knowledge. 


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