In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Bhagavad Gita Saankya Yoga 2.8- Prescribed duty (Swadharma)

In the battlefield of life, understanding one's own actions is essential. Without such understanding we are clueless in our path. That is what Lord Krishna taught Arjuna so far. He preached him about the importance of understanding the "Atman" and how this is eternal, indestructible, permanent and not influenced by any action. So our actions are driven by past impressions (vasanas).

What is the advantage of knowing this truth?

"Soul is eternal" how can we use this fact in our daily life?

How does this influence our daily actions?

We are bound by certain patterns, and we gravitate towards certain likes, dislikes, and certain actions. Even if we are forced towards something else, we will have hard time adopting that particular task. Our parents could have directed us in a certain path but our inclination have been different. But it does not always mean that we are not interested in that particular path. We did that without our heart in it but we finished that particular task. That means we are supposed to be in that path and based on our past karma we had to go through this. Otherwise we could have deviated from that path somewhere along the line. This is where parents struggle because what they thought best for their kinds did not work out. So here is the conflict between what parents wished and the past impressions that kids have to go through. So how can we understand this sequence and how can we stay balanced in these situations? This is what Bhagavan is trying teach in the next few verses.

Swadharmam api cha aavekshya na vikampitum arhasi!
Dharmyaaddhi yudhaat sreyah anyat kshatriyasya na vidhyate!!

Besides considering your own duty too, you should not waver, for there is nothing more welcome for a man of the warrior class than righteous war.

Until now Bhagavan explained the meaning of Soul, that is universal consciousness. Here he is trying to explain this truth in very simple terms where a common person can understand.

He is saying that even if you do not understand the importance of performing your duty in view of universal consciousness, you can just understand this in the form of routine Karma (action). When he described about Atma, he was talking about Jnana Yoga, now he is introducing Karma Yoga. It is important to understand or have knowledge about what you are about to do. It is foolish or dangerous if we get into some thing we do not have no knowledge or do not understand. Here Bhagavan also talks about why it is not good to deviate from the path that we chose. Sometimes we get distracted from what we do and we are afraid of the failure. This causes us to quit what we do. So Gita reminds us about this mishap and directs us in the right path.

Everyone is born with certain destiny, impressions, and has a personality. This drives them through out their lives. Depending on our personality, we are influenced by the circumstances, people and authoritative figures in our lives. If everything goes according to our impressions, there is not much struggle. But this does not happen. There is struggle and circumstances do not sync with our actions. This causes conflict. This is what Arjuna is facing in the battlefield. He came to fight the war, but shying away due to personal reasons. He thinks that his thoughts are rational. He is thinking only at a personal level and not thinking for a higher cause that is the welfare of the kingdom and people. If we think about a higher cause in each action, we do not have any conflict.  Even if there is stress, we can face this very easily.

People mistakenly accept the the divisions in the Indian society as Varnas (castes) Brahmana, Khsatriya, Vysya and Sudra. People criticized Bhagavadgita for describing this. But the real meaning behind this is not understood properly. One can not be classified as particular category if they are born in that sect. These were described according their actions and impression. A person who helps the society with knowledge is called as Brahmana. Khsatriya is one who is bound to protect the people, govern in a righteous way and live for the people. Vysya is one who can provide the goods that are necessary to run the society. Sudra is one who takes care of the needs of the above three classes so that they can perform their duties efficiently. This used to be clear cut in the past. Now there is so much overlap in what we do. We transform ourselves into different roles at different times. We will be fine as long as we understand our role in the society and perform that particular task by understanding Karma, Bhakti, Jnaana Yogas and implementing these principles.

Sukha-duhkhe same krutwa laabhalaabhou jayaajayou!
tato yudhhaya yujyaswa naivam paapam avaapyasi!!

Having made pleasure & pain, gain & loss, victory & defeat, the same you engage in the battle for the sake of battle; thus you shall win not incur sin.

Here Gita is teaching us the technique to face the battle of life and follow the Swadharma. Every one of us have our own tendencies. First we have to understand our strengths, our likes, inclinations and our natural tendencies. We can help kids understand their strengths and natural skills that they exhibit. Because what comes naturally is their Swadharma. This is what directs them in their path. If anyone contradicts, or try to change that path there comes a conflict. But as parents can we let them continue in the path that they chose? Sometimes the parents do not have a choice and no matter how much they try, everything goes against the wishes of parents. Why is this happening? This is where we need to understand this concept of swadharma. Each person is predetermined to be certain way. Sometimes we see a mixed patterns and this is also an example of Swadharma. If we understand this principle, we can encourage the person to follow their own dharma. So our job is to first understand what is our Swadharma. Then we can try to understand other people easily. Once we understand this concept we can see equanimity that above verse talking about. We are not swayed by the opposites of life. We do not incur any bad outcome by performing certain task even if we fail in that particular task.

As a human being at a sensory and body level, our duty is to perform our actions according to the reasons that gave you birth that is past impressions.

As a spiritual being, our swadharma is Self -Realization. This is the only path that gives ultimate balance that is Salvation -Moksha.

Even a balanced material life can not give ultimate happiness, the knowledge of self is the only means to attain Equanimity or union with universal consciousness.


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