In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Bhagavadgita Karma Yoga 3.1- Midyachaari

As human beings we are supposed to do actions(karma) until we are in this body. No one can live without doing anything. We have to learn to convert each action into Karma yoga. Each action can produce some kind of result either good or bad. But by adopting karma yoga we can have balance in our lives and we can face the difficulties without much trouble. That's why Bhagavan emphasized to purify the mind first with Karma Yoga and then we can become eligible to enter the world of Jnana Yoga. It is important to first learn how to conduct ourselves in our life.

We can divide the human life into four phases:

Student phase: When ever we have to learn some thing we need to be in this phase. As kids there will be no other thoughts and they can focus better on their studies.

Professional Phase: In this phase we earn money, get married, and raise kids. People usually pursue their dreams and lead materialistic life.

Retirement phase: Here they are supposed to take leave from their daily struggles and handover the responsibilities to next generation. Here we need to learn to transition to spiritual life.

Spiritual Phase: This is supposed to be the the phase where we need to have devotion and pursue spiritual goals. One should practice the spiritual life style in all the above three phases. Otherwise it is difficult to adopt this kind of style in the end.

One should learn Karma Yoga from the student life it self. We have to practice karma yoga in the professional phase. Then we have to perfect the spiritual pursuit. If we do not do this, we will be still immersed in materialistic life and taking care of grand children. We will still be taking care of so many things in life.

Bhagavan showed us two kinds of paths depending on our actions. One is karma yoga for people who still struggle with interest in performing actions. Then their mind becomes pure and stable. Then they can understand the knowledge of self. Arjuna wanted to go directly to the state of Self but he was born as Kshatriya and came to fight the war. Without fighting the war he can not go to the next phase. So Lord Krishna knows this truth, that's why he encouraged Arjuna to fight the war. He advised him to fight the war with a duty oriented attitude but not to take revenge or with an interest in kingdom. Then only the past impressions will be cleared which will allow Arjuna to advance in spiritual life.

If we have to harvest, we first have to make the soil ready. Then only we can plant the seeds. In a similar way, we have to make our mind ready with Karma Yoga and then Guru can plant the seed of Jnana. If our mind is not mature enough there is no use. So Bhagavan says in the next verse about this kind of problem.

Karmandriyaani Samyamya ya aaste manasaa smaran!
Indriyaardhaan- Vimudhaatmaa Mithyaachaarah sa uchyate!!

He who, restrains the organs of action, sits thinking in his mind of the sense objects, he of deluded understanding, is called a Hypocrite (Mithyachaari).

People cannot walk the path of spirituality without the mental maturity and openness. The mind has a tendency to repeatedly think some of the thoughts. These repeated thoughts can become actions and in turn these actions will become impressions. These impressions won’t leave us that easy. Even we are showing a physical show of morality and ethics, while mentally living in a sensuous world of objects, what is the use? These people will be adored by the people as sadhus, swamis, and great people. But they are running towards materialism in a different form. They are constantly thinking about expanding their devotees base and doing major events to attract people. Bhagavan is calling these kinds of people Hypocrites (Mithyaachaaras). We should never forget to convert our karmas to Karma Yoga. Bhagavan shows a solution to this problems in the next verse.

Yastvindriyaani manasaa niyamya-rabhate arjuna!
Karmendriyaih karma yogamasakhthah sa visishyate!!

O Arjuna! Whoever controls the senses by the mind, engages his organs of action in Karma Yoga without attachment to the karma itself, will excel.

If someone desires an object inside but on the outside they pretend that they have the control, then they are Mithyachaaris. Some people do actions only if it is beneficial to them. Even the good actions like charity will be done with publicity and exposure. They want to build monuments, temples, and empires. All this is happening because of their past impressions. So Bhagavaan is cautioning here to be careful. He reiterates the importance of detachment and giving up the interest in the result but performing our duty.  If our focus is on conducting major events in the name of God, our mind will be diverted from real Bhakti and concentrate on the details of the event. So we have to be careful.

We will try to learn to convert our karmas to karma yoga as suggested by the Lord. Our each step needs to be in this direction only. We will ask the Sai to give us the strength to walk this path.


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