In human life, the guru's place is pre-eminent. By keeping utmost faith in Guru alone, everything is obtained.
A devotee's entire strength is due to his guru. Devotion to the guru is superior to devotion to gods and goddesses.
The guru is the supreme being.
సాయి రూపాన్నే ధ్యానిద్దాము, సాయి పాదాలనే పూజిద్దాము !
సాయి మాటలే మన మంత్రాలు, సాయి కృపే మనకు మోక్షము!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Sri SaiSatcharita chapter -5

Baba stayed short time in Shirdi as a young boy and disappears for a while. Nobody knew where he was and he suddenly appears in a small village by name Dhup in Aurangabad district.  The village head for that area by name Chand patil lost his horse and has been searching for more than 2 months. He looked all over and could not locate his horse and one day he sees fakir sitting under a mango tree who later shows where his horse is. Patil looked all around several times but it was not there before. He was surprised to see this special fakir creating fire and water out of nowhere. Then this Patil begs this fakir to come to his house and accept his service. We read about this several times in the Satcharita but let us learn the inner meaning of this incident. Here the lost horse indicates our mind and we are strayed from God. We are wandering not knowing the truth. Then Guru comes along to show the correct path. Baba used his satka to get fire from the earth which represents the lighting of inner wisdom in us. But to sustain this knowledge we need to dilute the bad qualities in us.  Once this wisdom is installed then we have to realize the importance of Guru in our lives. That means we have to invite Guru into our home like Patil did. Here our home means our heart. This is where we have to keep Baba.

Baba goes to Shirdi second time with a marriage procession of Chand Patil wife’s nephew. As soon as he arrived there, Mahalsapathi sees this fakir and invites him by saying “Ya Sai”. Since then this fakir became Sai. Mahalsapathi has been waiting for a Guru. His wish became true once Sai came back to Shirdi. Then Sai made the Dwarakamai as his abode. He used to have satsangh with Devidas and Janakidas. This was his routine. He brought some flowering plants from Rahata and used to water with mud pitchers every day. These were raw and were not fully made. So they used to break by evening. This same place was used later to build Samadhi mandir. This could be seen as our daily actions that we perform everyday which become impressions but if they are analyzed everyday they will not sustain as impressions. If we can continue like this our heart will become Samadhi mandir. If we ignore this, then we have to take multiple janmas (lives).

Then Hemadpanth talks about how Padukas were installed under the neem tree.  There was a person named Bhai Krishnaji Alibhagkar who was a staunch devotee of Akkalkota Maharaj, stayed in Shirdi to worship Baba. He gets a vison that Akkalkota Maharaj is in Shirdi in the form of Sai. To commemorate this special worship, he installed the Padukas under neem tree with the help of other people. Upasini Baba and Dada Kelkar played a major role in this.  If we worship Guru’s padukas, we will get jnana as a blessing quickly. Guru Gita and Adisankaracharya also praise the importance of Guru Padukas. Guru Gita says all Theerthas and holy places are in guru’s feet.  Baba gives us darshan as Lord Dakshina Murty so that we can easily access his feet. This unique touch of Baba’s feet with our head will send some special vibrations.

Faith and patience are the essential qualities to worship Guru. Here in this chapter next they talk about how Baba wrestled with Mohiuddin Tamboli and lost. They say that Baba then changed his way of dressing by wearing a long Kafni and his head covered with a piece of cloth.  In a similar way Gangagheer also had a passion towards wrestling and had a transformation towards spirituality. Once we turn towards God and Guru appears in our life we might have to face some inner enemies to improve ourselves. This is like a wrestling match between good qualities versus bad ones. This is where we need some dispassion towards the worldly objects. But if we have Guru in our life we can tackle anything.  

Baba never spoke by himself unless someone interacted with him and asked a question. He used to sit most of the time under the neem tree and sometimes under the shade of Babul tree near the stream in the out skirts of village. He used to sleep in the Masjid and recite God’s name all the time. People say that he used to dance in a rhythmic way by wearing anklets and sing bhajans.

Once Baba lighted the lamps with water when the shop keepers refused to give the oil to Baba. They used to give oil to Baba but they felt like not giving from that day on wards and lied to Baba that they do not have any oil. They were all amazed and surprised
by watching Baba lighting up the lamps with water. Then they realized their mistake and asked for forgiveness. Baba wanted to them to be honest. Here we can learn so much as Kakad harathi and Sej harathi teaches us about lighting the lamps of inner soul with the oil of Vairaagya (dispassion).  Even if we deny Baba at times and get busy in our life, he won’t leave us like that; he will somehow ignite the devotion in us.   

Lastly in this chapter, Hemadpanth talks about Javahar Ali who claimed that he was the Guru of Sai Baba. Baba showed how a Guru needs to be served. Here Javahar Ali was a pawn in the Sai leela. Baba was teaching us to be careful when we are treading the path of spirituality because people can feel that they know everything in fact there is so much to learn and experience. Sraddha and Sabhuri are essential factors in this journey. Let us all pray to Baba to give us this kind of blessing so that we can advance in our spiritual quest.

Sri Sadguru Sainatharpanamastu!

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